Selected Publications on
Workforce Issues
Sprunt, Eve, 2015, Shareholder Activism as a Means to Advance Pay Equity for Women, A step-by-step guide to submitting a shareholder proposal, AWIS (Association for Women in Science) Magazine, Summer 2015, volume 47, number 2, pp. 12 - 16. http://magazine.awis.org/t/71103-assoc-for-women-in-science
Sprunt, Eve, 2015, Firsthand History, Engineering and Technology History Wiki (ETHW), http://ethw.org/First-Hand:The_Only_Woman_in_the_Room
Sprunt, Eve, 2014, Using Metrics to Drive Change, HartEnergy E&P (epmag.com), V. 87, No. 11, pp. 18 – 20. http://www.epmag.com/using-metrics-drive-change-758491
Sprunt, Eve, Nancy House, and Maria Angela Capello, 2014, SEG survey on dual career-couples and women: The Hidden Diversity of Dual-Career Couples, The Leading Edge, v. 33, No. 7, pp. 812 - 816.
Sprunt, Eve, Nancy House, and Maria Angela Capello, 2014, SEG survey on dual career-couples and women: Implications for the future of our Society, The Leading Edge, v. 33, No. 4, pp. 460 – 462.
Sprunt, Eve, Susan Howes and Michael Pyrcz, 2014, Talent & Technology—Impact of the Big Crew Change on Employee Retention, Journal of Petroleum Technology, V. 66, No. 3, http://www.spe.org/jpt/article/5908-talent-technology-impact-of-the-big-crew-change-on-employee-retention/
Sprunt, Eve, 2014, 2013 Achievement Award Address, Magazine of the Society of Women Engineers, v. 60, No. 7, 40 - 42.
Taylor, Bertie, 2013, Women Who Shine: Chevron's Eve Sprunt (posted December 24, 2013) http://www.rigzone.com/news/oil_gas/a/130779/Women_Who_Shine_Chevrons_Eve_Sprunt
Sprunt, Eve, 2013, The evolving work force in E&P, Hart Energy E&P, v. 86, No. 12, 2013, p. 38 – 40.
Sprunt, Eve, Susan Howes and Michael Pyrcz, 2013, Attraction and Retention of Employees, Results of 2013 SPE Talent Council Survey, SPE paper number 168112
Sprunt, Eve, 2013, Listen to your female employees, World Oil, v. 234, No. 6, (Recruitment 2013) http://www.worldoil.com/June_2013_Listen_to_your_female_employees.html
Sprunt, Eve, and Howes, Susan, 2012, Factors Impacting Dual-Career Couples, Results of the December 2011 Talent Council Survey, The Way Ahead, V.8, No. 2, pp. 6 – 9. https://www.spe.org/twa/print/archives/2012/2012v8n2/06_v8n2HRDiscussion.pdf
Sprunt, Eve, Howes, Susan, Capello, Maria Angela, Bridging the Generation Gap, JPT, v.64, No. 5, May 2012, pp. 80 -81.
Sprunt, Eve and Howes, Susan, 2012, Factors Impacting Dual Career Couples, Results of December 2011 Talent Council Survey, SPE paper number 160928, http://www.onepetro.org/mslib/app/Preview.do?paperNumber=SPE-160928-MS&societyCode=SPE
Sprunt, Eve and Howes, Susan, Results of Dual Career Couple Survey, JPT, v. 63, No. 10, October 2011, pp. 60 – 62
Sprunt, Eve and Howes, Susan, 2011, Dual Career Couple Survey Results, 151971-MS, Society of Petroleum Engineers, OnePetro http://www.onepetro.org/mslib/app/Preview.do?paperNumber=SPE-151971-MS&societyCode=SPE
Sprunt, Eve, A generalist vs. a specialist, The Way Ahead, v. 6, No. 1 (2010), pp. 4 -6.
Sprunt, Eve S., Monique Simon, Steve Thorness and Paul Musson, “Increasing and Enhancing the Supply of Petroleum Industry Talent,” Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 61, No. 1, pp78 – 79, January 2009.
Sprunt, Eve S., “Not just women’s problems,” World Oil, v 229, No. 11 (November, 2008), p. 122.
Sprunt, Eve S., “Retaining female employees in the 21st century,” Harts E&P, v.81, No. 10 (October 2008), p. 108.
Sprunt, Eve S., “Retaining Women in the Oil and Gas Industry,” Talent & Technology, v. 2, No. 2 (2008), pp. 12 - 16.
Sprunt, Eve S., “Retain your talented female employees,” Hart’s E&P, v. 81, No. 6 (June, 2008), p. 104-105.
Chadud, N. L. Tealdi, Susan Howes, Eve Sprunt, "Addressing the Needs of Dual-Career Couples," The Way Ahead, v. 4, No.1 (2008), pp. 8 - 12.
Chadud, N. L. Tealdi, Susan Howes, Eve Sprunt, “How Companies Attract and Retain Talented Engineers Whose Spouses Have Careers,” Talent & Technology, v. 1, No. 4 (2007), pp. 5 - 10.
Chadud, N., L. Tealdi, S. Howes, and E. Sprunt, SPE paper #110051, Managing Dual Careers While Working in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Critical Element in Attracting and Retaining Talent, Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, November 14, 2007
Sprunt, Eve S., “Mentor’s Feminine Side,” Guest Editorial, JPT, v. 54, No. 9 (September 2002), p. 12.
Sprunt, Eve S., “Women Negotiate Career Roadblocks,” Management Report, Hart’s E&P, v 75, No. 7 (July 2002), p. 7-8.
Sprunt, Eve S., “Observations Vary on Oilpatch Equality,” Management Report, Hart’s E&P, v 75, No. 6 (June 2002), p. 7-8.
Sprunt, Eve S., “Women Battle Perception Gaps,” Management Report, Hart’s E&P, v 75, No. 5 (May 2002), p. 7-8.

Patents and Technical Publications
Djabbarah, N. F., and E. S. Sprunt, Method and System for Determining Steam Quality Using a Foaming Surfactant, United States Patent No. 5,470,749, November 28, 1995.
Chambers, M. R., and E. S. Sprunt, Method for Controlling Sand Production from a Hydrocarbon Producing Reservoir, United States Patent No. 5,443,119, August 22, 1995.
Jennings, A. R., and E. S. Sprunt, Unique Method of Hydraulic Fracturing, United States Patent No. 5,402,846, April 4, 1995.
Jennings, A. R., Jr., E. S. Sprunt, and R. S. Timmer, Method of Sand Consolidation, United States Patent No. 5,363,917, November 15, 1994.
E. S. Sprunt, A. R. Jennings, Jr., and R. S. Timmer, Formation Fracturing, United States Patent No. 5,360,068, November 1, 1994.
Sprunt, E. S. and N. F. Djabbarah, Method for Determining Oil and Water Saturation of Core Samples at Overburden Pressure, United States Patent No. 5,299,453, April 5, 1994.
Sprunt, E. S. and N. F. Djabbarah, Method Including Electrical Self Potential Measurements for Detecting Multiphase Flow in a Cased Hole, United States Patent No. 5,214,384, May 25, 1993.
Sprunt, E. S., and S. H. Collins, Method for Desaturating a Porous Rock for Electrical Resistivity Measurements, United States Patent No. 5,209,104, May 11, 1993.
Sprunt, E. S., Apparatus and Method for Retrieving and Evaluating a Slim Hole Drilled Core Sample of A Subsurface Formation, United States Patent No. 5,206,505, April 27, 1993.
Sprunt, E. S., and R. E. Gilliland, Method for Measuring Electrical Resistivity of a Core Sample of Porous Rock During Water Drainage and Imbibition, United States Patent No. 5,164,672, November 17, 1992.
Sprunt, E. S., and S. H. Collins, Method for Measuring Wettability of Porous Rock, United States Patent Number 5,069,065, December 3, 1991.
R. M. Davis, E. S. Sprunt, M. S. Quigley, Method and System for Testing the Dynamic Interaction of Coring Fluid with Earth Material, United States Patent Number 4,982,604, January 8, 1991.
Sprunt, E. S., R. M. Davis, W. R. Kennedy, and S. H. Collins, Method for Measuring Electrical Anisotropy of a Core Sample from a Subterranean Formation, United States Patent Number 4,924,187, May 8, 1990.
Dogru, A. H., and E. S. Sprunt, Method for Determining Relative Permeability of a Subterranean Reservoir, United States Patent Number 4,868,751, September 19, 1989.
Yale, D. P., R. B. Montgomery, and E. S. Sprunt, Method for Measuring Stress Deformation of Materials, United States Patent Number 4,864,864, September 12, 1989.
Anderson, M. L., E. S. Sprunt, P. M. Wilson, and S. O. Wooten, Method for Minimizing Mud Solids Invasion of Core Samples Obtained During Subsurface Coring, United States Patent Number 4,848,487, January 24, 1989.
Sprunt, E. S., and D. P. Yale, Method for Determining Reservoir Characteristics of a Porous Material, United States Patent Number 4,799,382, January 24, 1989.
Sprunt, E. S., Enhanced Hydrocarbon Recovery, United States Patent Number 4, 785,882, November 22, 1988.
Muegge, E. L., J. J. Faz, and E. S. Sprunt, Method for Identifying Porosity and Drilling Mud Invasion of a Core Sample from a Subterranean Formation. United States Patent Number 4,722,095, January 26, 1988.
Sprunt, E. S., N. V. Humphreys, E. L. Muegge, and J. R. Dixon, Method for Determining Lithological Characteristics of a Porous Material. United States Patent Number 4,688,238, August 18, 1987.
Sprunt, E. S., and L. D. Smallwood, Shear Acoustic Energy Anisotropy of Subsurface Formations. United States Patent Number 4,631,964, December 30, 1986.
Sprunt, E. S., and L. D. Smallwood, Method for Measuring Acoustic Energy Anisotropy through Core Samples, United States Patent Number 4,631,963, December 30, 1986.
Podhrasky, J., and E. S. Sprunt, System for Transmitting Ultrasonic Energy Through Core Samples, United States Patent Number 4,380,930, April 26, 1983.
Technical Publications
Sprunt, E. S. and N. F. Djabbarah, 1994, Quality Control of Analytical Procedures for the Oil Industry: Brine Analysis, The Log Analyst, v. 35, No. 3, 15-20.
Sprunt, E. S., T. B. Mercer, and N. F. Djabbarah, 1994, Streaming Potential from Multiphase Flow, Geophysics, v. 59, No. 5, 707-711.
Sprunt, E. S. and N. V. Humphreys, 1994, Obtaining Reliable Laboratory Measurements, Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 46, No. 4, p. 281.
Sprunt, E. S., R. E. Gilliland, and M. L. Barrett, 1993, Predicting the Permeability of Unconsolidated Sediments from Grain Size Measurements, Transactions Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, A section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, v. 43, pp. 373-380.
Sprunt, E. S., 1993, Quality Control of Special Core Analysis Measurements, Reservoir Characterization III, ed. by B. Linville, T. E. Burchfield, and T. C. Wesson, Pennwell Books, Tulsa, pp. 254-269.
Sprunt, E. S., 1992, CT Imaging of Electrical Resistivity Measurements: Non-uniform Water Saturation Can Be a Problem, Fault Mechanics and Transport Properties of Rock, A Festschrift in honor of W. F. Brace, ed. by B. Evans and T.-F. Wong, Academic Press, London, Chapter 15, pp. 371-387.
R. E. Maute, W. D. Lyle, and E. S. Sprunt, 1992, Improved Data-Analysis Method Determines Archie Parameters from Core Data, Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 44, #1, 103 -107.
Sprunt, E. S., 1991, Quality Control of Special Core Analysis Measurements, Preprints Third International Reservoir Characterization Technical Conference, DOE Conf. 911125, November 3-5, 1991, Tulsa, Oklahoma, paper 3RC-96.
Sprunt, E. S., K. P. Desai, M. E. Coles, R. M. Davis, and E. L. Muegge, 1991, CT Scan-Monitored Electrical Resistivity Measurements Show Problems Achieving Homogeneous Saturation, SPE Formation Evaluation, v. 6, No. 2, pp. 134-140.
Coles, M. E., E. L. Muegge, and E. S. Sprunt, 1991, Applications of CAT Scanning for Oil and Gas Production Research, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, v. 38, No. 2, pp. 804-809.
Sprunt, E. S., R. E. Maute and C. L. Rackers, 1990, An Interpretation of the SCA Electrical Resistivity Study, The Log Analyst, v. 31, n. 2, pp. 76-88.
Sprunt, E. S., 1990, Proposed Electrical Resistivity Form, The Log Analyst, v. 31, n. 2, pp. 89 -93.
Sprunt, E. S., and S. O. Wooten, 1990, A New Coring Fluid for Vuggy Carbonates, Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 42, n. 4, pp. 474-478.
Sprunt, E. S., 1989, Arun Core Analysis: Special Procedures for Vuggy Carbonates, The Log Analyst, v. 30, pp. 353-362.
Yale, D. P., and E. S. Sprunt, 1989, Prediction of Fracture Direction Using Shear Acoustic Anisotropy, The Log Analyst, v. 30, pp. 65-70.
Sprunt, E. S., W. M. Hensel, Jr., C. E. York, and M. M. Honarpour, 1988, Electrical Resistivity Measurements Performed by Twenty-Five Laboratories, The Log Analyst, v. 29, n. 1, pp. 13-39.
Sprunt, E. S., 1987, Arun Core Analysis: Special Procedures for Vuggy Carbonates, Indonesian Petroleum Association Proceedings, Sixteenth Annual Convention, v. 2, pp. 11-23.
Pitman, J. K., and E. S. Sprunt, 1986, Origin and Distribution of Fractures in Lower Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Rocks, Piceance Basin, Colorado and Their Relation to the Occurrence of Hydrocarbons, in Geology of Tight Gas Reservoirs, edited by Charles W. Spencer and Richard F. Mast, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Studies in Geology, n. 24, pp. 221-233.
Sprunt, E. S., 1981, Causes of Quartz Cathodoluminescence Colors, Scanning Electron Microscopy, pp. 525-535.
Sprunt, E. S., and A. Nur, 1980, Another Look at Pore Structure: Cathodoluminescence Petrography, Society of Professional Well Log Analysts Twenty-First Annual Logging Symposium Proceedings.
Sprunt, E. S., and A. Nur, 1979, Microcracking and Healing in Granites: New Evidence from Cathodoluminescence, Science, v. 205, pp. 495-497.
Sprunt, E. S., L. A. Dengler, and D. Sloan, 1978, Effects of Metamorphism on Quartz Cathodoluminescence, Geology, v. 6, pp. 305-308.
Sprunt, E. S., and A. Nur, 1977, Experimental Study of Effects of Stress on Solution Rate, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 82, pp. 3013-3022.
Sprunt, E. S. and A. Nur, 1977, Destruction of Porosity through Pressure Solution, Geophysics, v. 42, pp. 726-741.
Sprunt, E. S., and A. Nur, 1977, Destruction of Porosity by Pressure Solution: Experimental Verification, Geology, v. 4, pp. 462-466.
Sprunt, E. S., and W. F. Brace, 1974, Some Permanent Structural Changes in Rocks Due to Pressure and Temperature, Advances in Rock Mechanics, v. II, Part A, pp. 524-529.
Sprunt, E. S., and W. F. Brace, 1974, Direct Observation of Microcavities in Crystalline Rocks, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, v. 11, pp. 139-150.
Brace, W. F., E. Silver (now Sprunt), K. Hadley, and C. Goetze, 1972, Cracks and Pores: A Closer Look, Science, v. 178, pp. 162-164.
Volumes Edited
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Advanced Technology Series, volume 5, number 1, May 1997, 160 pages, Chinese Production Technology as Applied in Daqing Oil Field: Reservoir Management at Very High Water Cut (all Chinese authors)
American Petroleum Institute, Recommended Practices #40, Second Edition, Recommended Practices for Core Analysis. Edition: 2nd, 01-Feb-1998, 200 pages